SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

No like we legit have 11 claims



Or more lul

puts on Ici’s Tinfoil Crown

What if HTM is scum though

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What happend

@Boss110 By the way, by not claiming… you are actually just making this harder on yourself as BD

Do you understand the trick or will my respect points go down for you?

HTM has been very liberal with his votes this game :thinking: And has been posting more on-topic than usual

Can’t keep track of it anymore tbh

This game feels like salt and a bunch claims now

i don’t understand what you’re trying to do. bait me into agreeing? fine whatever, you guys won’t coonvince shurian even if i do agree. you guys are stupid for thinking that durian will listen to you. this is a stupid conversation and i refuse to be apart of it. also i gtg eat dinner now cya

Yeah I think we need to take off some of marl’s good boi stars

nearly 300 posts = on topic? lol no



Have a good meal!

what trick are you even talking about? I just read like 2k messages over the course of like 30 minutes so

Just another hour of this until Shrui shows up to ask for her RB check


. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:(

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No points for u marl, u gotta wait for everyone else

Waste of time, boi