SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

I’ll tell you right now.

I’m RBing Max.
Because I think there may be more than they’re letting on.

And… While Celeste is Celeste, Sam is not Sam.
Shut up about RBing a CW claim

/vote Sam




But if we check Celeste we confirm you too so service celeste

i agree with you here, reading all 2000 post is really painful

You aren’t confirmed. BOTH Assassin and Cult Leader can bleed.

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Service me now.

As can converted cult hunter

Yeah plus Shuri did the match make and you are of the same faction

thank you.

We need to execute Sam the Scum

Does Ritualist even get RB??? Is it even possible lmao


i beg thee

Its possible.

Eevee is also bleeding and that wasn’t from me. I’m bleeding from my own wolf

Ritualist can’t, no.

Thats why im asking for u to rb check me


Max - 2 (Whamm, Nuclear)
Nuclear - 1 (Ashe,)
Twilight - 1 (Litten)
Sam - 6 (Max, Pug, Poison, htm, Shuri, Nuclear)
Pug - 1 (Celeste)

With 19 alive, Majority is 10

There are two scum bleeds, Squid. Assassin AND CL.

Just as Ici’s database is whack it seems like your database is whacky too

Actualy it’s because Celeste was definitely CW N1. I think he’s converted but that doesn’t matter here.

Now I’m not calling you scum, I’m just saying you aren’t confirmed.