SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

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Pardon - 8 (Htm, Pug, Litten, Max, Marl, Shuri, Celeste, Poison)

I can too!

You know what? Let’s check Sam instead.

pls don’t


Check MAX

@Pug I had u ready to get jailed if Sam got decide fated

Wait… I want to get this straight… is Celeste Prince or is Eevee Prince?

What we just revealed is like the Roman empire but my class is the byzantine Empire still lives on. Apologies taking an AP World Exam on Thursday so expect some world jokes

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Im Prince, eevee is CW

keep me jailed

I jailed Sam n1

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Celeste is prince.

Oh cool

anyway, eevee better barrier/ice ward me

My BD Games:

  1. Max is scum!!! CONFIRMED!!!
  2. I get proven as BD
  3. I win (hopefully)

I legit used the same exact method as the game where u were Prince and I was Knight and you somehow didnt notice

Wow RP points gone down. How could Whamm figure it out but not Marl?

I like step 1

I don’t like 2 or3

M’kay, so I guess heal the both of us from bleeding, if you have to heal one person at a time, heal Eevee first


this is the first time I rolled something that isn’t a killing class in SFoL