SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

Oh shit dis not class card

yeah, look at my cult alts.

Soulcatcher looks so much more fun and it’s op if it lives long

Hippo lives matter!

@Boss110 Claim. You are the last player to need to publicly claim.



Night plan:

CL - converts me
MM - converts Pug

Anything else?

Meme pls hammer pardon

Wait really? Wow. That was fast.

sounds great to me.


Yeah. By day 2 got a whole claim list l0l

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Ez Hammer

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Gonna be one of a kind!

Trial Vote Count

Pardon - 9 (Whamm, Litten, Pug, Tech, Shuri, Frost, Marl, Squid, Nuclear)

Majority is 10

Mole casually ignored me

We already got 10 pardons

Cult are stinky.

Get them away from me.

I deserve more in life

Memesky was pardoned. You may not vote them again today.

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You didn’t know? You were ordered.