SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

@Margaret Jail and do not execute Frostwolf

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In case of Boss being MM i really don’t like an idea that you don’t have any protection if Assassin would try to kill ya.


Both Nuclear and Boss claims are contradictory with each other.

/vote Boss110

@Shurian Compare Sam and Memesky

Wait how?

Wait, boss was debbed??

Vote Count

Frost - 5 (Sam,Litten, Shuri, Meme, Celeste)
Boss - 4 (Pug, Marl :crown:, Frost)

With 19 alive, Majority is

Boss followed Shurian.
Boss gave results of following Shurian
Nuclear debauched Boss
Boss is full of shit.


/Vote Boss


/vote Boss

Visit me? When debbed? MonkaS.

Wait then Boss is actually 99% MM…

Shouldn’t we just jail them then…

Actually if that’s the case why we should to kill him now? :thinking:
Killing him Day 4 is more beneficial.

Vote Count

Frost - 5 (Sam, Meme, Celeste)
Boss - 6 (Pug, Marl :crown:, Frost, Litten, Shuri)

With 19 alive, Majority is


Do I still have to cs…

Technically he followed Poisoned apparently and either Nuc or Boss are scum. We can check Frost tmr.

Honestly, who do you want me to check, Frost or Meme? Any of the drunk claims are good as well

Vote Count

Frost - 3 (Sam, Meme, Celeste)
Boss - 5 (Pug, Marl :crown:, Frost, Shuri)

With 19 alive, Majority is

Frost is getting jailed for safety.
You’re comparing Memesky with Sam/Wham

So let’s say Boss claims Observer and he didn’t say he got something causes him to target someone else and just followed PoisonedSquid and got Shurian visited Squid.

While NuclearBurrito did say he debauched.

And Marl already said that.

I’m pretty sure Boss is the scum here. His results didn’t give us any info…