SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

@Htm Use your announcement to say “Marl is the best”

@Htm can you be a dear and conduct Celeste with me tonight? I have something to discuss with her.

Actually, best if he did it tomorrow.


Unless Boss flips CL which is stupid unlikely tbh.

Got it!

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I already made him!

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I like that host starts the day if we give actions early

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Also, Im super sure there was this little announcement by htm earlier.

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Are you the Mastermind Twin Strike?! Squire claims are sus around these parts you know!

mostly /s

Im checking twilight as i said earlier

I like to trust Twi on this one.

No one is dumb enough to claim Squire nowadays :stuck_out_tongue:

Vote Count

Frost - 2 (Sam, Celeste)
Boss - 8 (Pug, Marl :crown:, Frost, Twi, Shuri, Litten, Meme)

With 19 alive, Majority is 10

@eevee pls ice ward pug
I’m guarding Celeste.
Pug cannot be occupied while he is reviving or it’ll cause a mislynch. We need that ice ward on him

Yes sir!

Honestly if it wasn’t mass claim i would say for Squire is better to not outing himself that early. We didn’t got any information from the mass claims. :neutral_face:

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4% battery cya later

Cya, stay cool.

@Marluxion I’ll do as you planned.

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Mass claim does absolutely nothing in Mutliball
Everyone is going to claim Bd

The mass claim was a horrid idea - and if BD loses, we blame it on whoever started it.

who did that?