SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

That’s 9
You’re the hammer

/Vote Boss


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Am i?

At least my heart is in right place.



@Boss110 is now on trial. Please give a defence

Too late

too late anyway

Yes, very

You should host a panda themed game after London Revolution ends

@Boss110 give your defence to us quick!!!

i could decide his plate

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It won’t even matter anyway… but it’s nice to try!

We will see about that.

I have some ideas. :thinking:

What did boss lie about btw


Night plans!

what happened to the meme vote btw?

Just interested since I woke up after that

He was pardoned

okay ty

Memes are out once Marl wakes up

I can’t remember

I remember a cup of blood and someone telling me to tell others to pardon