SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

I think I may make Pug inconvertable tonight

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and they also know who to bleed, redirect, etc.

Nah my dood u deader dan des

Did HTM Conduit the both of you like a good lion?

Heal me tonight itll prove it

Htm who did you link btw?

What if I said no

Just putting this out here: someone important is undoubtedly getting coverted tonight

pretty sure you should still contribute as our resident Sheriff


Nope really am bleeding i ice warded kitten as marl asked

I swear, if I fucking get converted into a loss I’m gonna be so pissed

I did @Margaret with @Twil1ight

Yes, they did. @Sam17z
Right @Htm

Max, some two people are getting converted tonight at this rate

Literally why did you listen to the squire and the bad prince



Told me too

Bait failed
We’ll get em next time

cough scout them @Whammerist please cough

Is twilight the king?