SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

says the knight who didn’t CS :roll_eyes:


Because we didn’t know they were unseen until today

You do.
“Prince changes from nothing”

I’m not even defending my self cause it’s late


I’m still not doe

well at least tell who you guarded last night? if you guarded

Ok just asking marl but man what a waste of ward since i stopped anything from targetting them so even if they werent that was sus to not cs

N0 pr00f

I guard the pally claim

Aka sam like I said I would

I see

We told you to cs which was why i warded you which wasted one

You see


You are a good player
Which is why you must be scum

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lol yeah right

we don’t need 2k messages by the end of the day so stop arguing

we aren’t going to change our mind unless frostwolf somehow flips princess as k/o LUL

Invoker can’t get through an Ice Ward

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Now here’s a math lesson

I can’t tell people I was redirected if dead

No Scorned, so he can’t be framed

Guard me tonight please



There was a link last night
Mind warp isn’t possible

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Ik probally being jailed by Celeste

Ask ur prince :man_shrugging: