SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

Then we can assume 1 mislynch for every 2 successful lynches

Ive had lucky guesses before lol


But you can’t just assume someone is that.

He did claim Observer and MM is special but it still could have been a CL

Cult & Unseen cant put up eachother. Unseen will defend their own, Cult will defend their own. They would need Blue Dragon to either all die or convince Blue Dragon to vote with them

Basically jailing me is the worst Decision you can do. What did wham or sam even find?

Oh hell no fire u getting jailed idc

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Or did he claim something else? I forgot

@Moleland am I able to request to not recieve prisoner information

No :slight_smile:

I dont want fire spamming my classcard thoughhhj

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Let me


I cri

Don’t jail me then. Problem solved

Oh wait i can just archive my dm after tonight l0l



No sk here

I promise :slight_smile:

We all know you are a spamkitten tho

A spam kitten that wants to live :frowning:

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