SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

Conduit links at the beginning of the night butler cant go back in time to block that

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So you shouldn’t occupy me because that wastes time when we can be occupying the CL or assassin

But that could be you maybe?

I dunno I really need to reread the thread but it is somewhat daunting

If someone wanted to do a list of claims I will do your bidding.

Hippo HTM is confirmed scum lol
Just read the thread yourself.

I did telepathy…

reread the thread

You didn’t but hehe funny ecks dee

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But I did lul

If someone wanted to do a list of claims I will do your bidding.

What does that mean?

Who knows?

I am like the oracle I speak in mysterious ways.

Sam - Paladin
Hippo - Butler
Pug - Priest
Htm - Mystic (converted)
Marl - King (one of three bleed claims today)
Tech - CW
Max - Princess
Twilight - Squire
Memesky - Princess
Litten - Knight
Nuclear - Drunk (one of 3 bleed claims today)
Wham - Sheriff (one of 3 bleed claims today)

So Nuclear or Marl is lying?

Me? Converted? I don’t know what your talking about…

Imma just poison marl then.

Occupy Nuke tonight

You will get a surprising result

HTM should be the last of the Cult
I’d rather take it slow but you do you

I’m not even cult tho