SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

We already settle this like few hours but sure understood. Hippo should block Max meantime.

You should have done that last night. You’ve had 3 shots
Now it’s time for you to get shot

Yep, nuke is at L-1

I linked max…

You guys told me to link someone but not who

Stop fooling around. We told exacly who you should link.

Also I did telepathy d2 it said something about :frowning:

I still didn’t see any quotes about it…

You didn’t tho

You told me to conduit kitten with wham

and then you told me to link someone

You were told to conduit Sam and Wham

@Moleland is quoting a telepathy against the rules?

So why you didn’t conduct them? You’re BS’ing boi.

But then I was told to link by Pug

You can quote yourself all you want :thinking:

And did you do ANY of those? No you didn’t

Wait I can quote myself all I want!

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(Shitposting WutFace)

This is going to take forever to find a telepathy…

but @Firelitten knows I used it d2

Yes I did link someone

I linked max