SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

I don’t find it fun.

He wouldn’t of died if he was!

*Salt intesifies

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Yeah, this is me when I get fucking mislynched for the fifth time

You do realize the cl can disguise someone they think is going to be csd right?

Should have voted up the cult king lul

How do you know he was disguised?

I don’t but it would be pretty killer if he was

inb4 I gave him to mithras. put my deathnote on it.

Max if you are always mislynched maybe consider chainging up your town playstyle.

Like voting the evil king?

No thx

RNG is bad

Rng is not bad when he was confirmed as evil king.

And the fact you failed to realize this and still voted twi is actually garbage if your town.

Keep it civil lads.

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I know.

Its just I don’t get mad and bring it into other games. I just sulk in the current one and move on.

Get salty at me tbh. I’m salty at myself for not paying more attention. I don’t get why the only confirmed BD roleblocker wasn’t killed earlier lol.

If also the evils tricked me gg.

Pug is actually Ritualist and I was revived as a Cultist



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