SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

Cult’s plan was this.

1 member gain TownCred- 1 member become sus.

Livi claimed Phys while me Maid. I tried to gain by acting town sided.

Until the Boss nation attacked. I instantly knew Boss was MM because he went in yoloing while I definitely didn’t do anything on n1. Was fun looking at everyone saying lul invoker everywhere.

We failed our n1 convert. On NuclearBurrito. Thus a 50-50 chance that he is convert/STARTassassin. Therefore I redirected him into Sam, hoping he was the new Assassin. It didn’t turn out so well. [Attacked by Unseen, I knew it was coming but urgh.]

Next. Our plan was to convert the Mystic, use the alt to Convert another guy.

But Hippo followed orders to occupy BOTH our cult leaders.

Such a shame. Such a shame.

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That part is so awkward lul

Livicus got occupied anyway

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Because I chose link minds when I wasn’t even supposed to choose…

Yeah because the moment you chose link minds I was like

They were asking for conduit tho

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Htm I have a very important proposition for you

Honestly. If Hippo didn’t get revived, the plan was.

Me ded. -> Convert Htm. -> Convert Firekitten. -> Check Devout/Evil King. -> Win Gane

And yes Maxi I used you as a way to gain towncred pls don’t hate me D:

@Shurian was definitely The best Scum player this game.


Mole, will you be hosting another Multiball in the future?

I plan to. I’ve come up with ways to improve it. Although it wasn’t used, I feel my idea for the Cult early kills is better than the current one imo


at least I revived you.
so i get some credit

To this day I have no idea how it got to occupy Livicus at this point

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I just occupied whoever the person who most recently @'d me told me to lel