SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

Wait anyone claim cw?


Two pronce? Nice

Besides Celeste?

Celeste claimed CW!

See this is what I was trying to find out earlier. Celeste and Sam both claim jailed, and since this isn’t bastard that should be impossible right?

Eevee lied again

What a surprise

And is basically confrimed

I don’t think Celeste was jailed. Not bastard as mole told me.

She’s lying


R u Sherrie?

@Moleland Are unique classes still limited to one spawn in this game?

Why do u do this Sam

2 Princes :thinking:



@Sam17z Go read your classcard pls

Ohhh, things make sense now! No one claimed cw right so Celeste is confirmed. We should have healers on Celeste and fire on eevee

@Moleland what happens if 2 princes jail each other?

Make sure u were jailed by a Prince and not just warded

Ice, not fire*

Of course they are