SFOL 23 - Triple Threat - Dumb last minute mislynches - The Blue Dragon Win

/rupture Whammerist

I want to see theirs reaction after 4th bleeding claim, lul.
We plaied them good.

Um. Who’s boss?

Celeste you say this all the time
Just get their claim in jail


Totally not awkward

Personally I’d look at my alchemist rework suggestion

Don’t know. He hasn’t claimed

Eh… I’m Squire. Now why the hell it is beneficial to out this class at all. :roll_eyes:

who supports this rework?

No marl, i alrdy got someone jailed who im executing

Boss110 apparently.

No that’s crabby

Wrong chat. Duh.

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Steal a class soon preferably phys


alright then.

I know who our Coldsteel target.

Firekitten, coldsteel the Twil1ight

yeah steal phys

Wait but but…:

Our morale will sink immediately if Twilight actually dies.

actually should I wait for a phys to revive them

or just revive hippopoopoo?