SFOL 25 Return of the Blue Dragon II Unseen and Mercenary Win!

Sure you would

The WIFOM is strong

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I honestly think that Marl actually lied about attempt of the occupation. As I said multiple times I donā€™t think there is an Alchemist.

Then we can agree that Insurgent was on Whamm like I said?

You think he kinda did what captian did and saying that someone is occupy immune but then casually do something to make you suspect someone?


So you decided to pardon someone who you think lied and is confirmed NK

Ok why do I even bother

Whatever letā€™s wait for Nuclearā€™s soft because I doubt heā€™ll hard claim

It was a possibility that I prefer to consider before jumping to any conclusions also it isnā€™t like I was sure about it.

Thereā€™s no way he canā€™t fakeclaim it either.

If you lie just know you started a mass claim

There is no massclaim

In my claim list, it kinda did.

Well Iā€™m calling mass claim like 5 people

Iā€™m pretty sure 5 people claimed on D2

can u post ur claim list I didnā€™t read like 500 posts


I am not post it down and narrowing the kidnapper for everyone. Itā€™s close to gamesolving.

lol what

I am dead serious.

I noticed that in this game mode marshal has one of the pally abilites that kills all attackers.

When are you going to use it?