SFOL 25 Return of the Blue Dragon II Unseen and Mercenary Win!

I initially didn’t want to confirm the Merc guard for that reason. So much free info given out because people wanted to go on witch hunts instead of going after the confirmed NK.

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Are you blind?

I tried to see if you were a fake marshal

It failed

:man_shrugging: It would be too obvious.

Ok I would like to hear your opinions about somethin’.
Who do you think Celeste is Poacher, Fool or Insurgent?

I don’t need an explanation I just need an answer.

Not Fool

Not Poacher.

Which means - Insurgent

high fives Frost


An interesting answer… is there is any reason you don’t think she’s a fool?

I don’t see anything Celeste did as something Fool would do

Why are these the only 3 options?

I suggest to read the thread, boi.

In fact ISO Celeste and to me this is either Town!Celeste or Scum!Celeste

If I knew his meta better I’d probably be able to lean either way but atm I’m not leaning

Ok so let’s get use of our slave.
@Marluxion Vote up Celeste, my good boi.

Don’t vote Celeste until he will do.

@Vulgard In my evidence, he got BD check and he cannot be scorned target nor he did use spike trap.

Fool can self-frame or he got caught red-handed.

What do you think are the odds Celeste being a fool/Insurgent?

And the fact that I voted Celeste first since I accused him, says alot about me.

Is this a survey