SFOL 25 Return of the Blue Dragon II Unseen and Mercenary Win!

@Sam17z VC?

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  • No votes

Guys btw apparently I was converted to the unseen last night



Only prince and other classes could use day abilities on trial btw

So if you havent used a day ability sucks

Execute - 3
Pardon - 0
Abstain - 0


Your vote only counts as 1 during trials

i know

Sam, can I vote if I was forced to vote for someone?

Related: Many votes were cast after Nuclear Burrito gave his defense but before you announced that we could vote.

You are fucking king. How tf did you get K/O are you duchess

If you weren’t BD youd get S/S

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Hippo may you just admit you’re BD King rn.

(Psst, King, don’t be a dipstick and vote for FK, thank you)

You’re like the most obvious scorned.


even before your fake CS. You were trying to get him into a point that he is Infiltrator.

Anyway. If burrito is Negotiator. N1 Convert = fails

You’re lucky I thought scorned kills were a waste of time

You’d be surprised when you realize that I’m not Scorned