SFOL 25 Return of the Blue Dragon II Unseen and Mercenary Win!

I want my RotBD Templar.

so like only one can be in the game.

You will either get Templar or Marshal.

tbh itā€™ll add some fun stuff just because I need my Deus Vult

(Templar obviously converts to Paladin)

also buff BD and make sage not weak.

my other suggestions for this.

This is why Frost and I havenā€™t been posting claimlists. While yes, if someone has been paying attention, they knew that Vulgard was Kidnapper by Day 2, that info shouldnā€™t be given out for free, especially without protective classes.

Wait I may die tomorrow guys D:

We basically have two healers while Iā€™m alive though

I didnā€™t use the right word. There isnā€™t magic barrier to prevent conversion.

Cause nobody will heal you when I CS you again!

Which is why if he jails the wrong person



Even if you did cs me I would prob just link myself and max Instead of the prince

But nah your not knight

Youā€™re right, Iā€™m not Knight. Iā€™m an Enforcer

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Hereā€™s thing, Negotiator are not immune to attacks unless they have hidden passive but I doubt that.

And since no one mentioned healing Firekitten I would assume one of the healing classes could have been converted, but even Firekitten mention he hasnā€™t been attacked. As far I am aware, The Physician canā€™t heal but they can attack once.

Also im confirmed not healing Firekitten

Well shit. Now im gonna be converted


Watch your words, donā€™t lose your virginity now.

Isnt that illegal for me to lose my virginity?

Almost certain Squids other target was Wham or Mole btw. Why would he pick the easily confirmable mystic to hang if his other target was still alive?

Ok here is a thing. When Nuke will flip Negotiator then it means basically BD is fucked. Unless they converted a Killer class then they wonā€™t get a replacement.
So we need to confirm few people:
@Htm Use ā€œBountyā€ on someone tonight. That would confirm you as Not Noble next day.
@Kirefitten Can you visit me tonight? Choose me and Vulgard as targets. I would confirm myself in that way also donā€™t occupy me or Pug tonight. Thanks.

So I donā€™t visit max okay :frowning:

There is no killers left. lel
(Except Kidnapper but thatā€™s not the point)