SFOL 25 Return of the Blue Dragon II Unseen and Mercenary Win!

Yes. Memesky contract Vulgard.

Ok i just checked our claim list. And the canditates for Negotiator is Max/Frost/Pug. There is no way that HTM and Max are both scum. It’s probably Max but who knows.

But yeah. Itd have to be either me, frost or Max.

Vulg you know what to do if badge fails.

Anyway. I will be proven by healing King

I sent the action.

Good timing. kek

Anyway. Ill be healing king tonight to show me as not negitator.

We vote up king tomorrow if game is still ongoinf and frost isnt exed. Then we win

Btw,soldier is good convert but i as person am not :man_shrugging:

Do I link king with someone else?

Did you even read what I wrote Pug

Do it with the nightwatch

Uhh. Sure, link with Twil

If light poisons King you’re not healing King

Yes i did.

Okay tomorrow then to prove not convert


But yeah. King is probs BD

We may just execute him. Poison not needed tbh.

If Max doesn’t flip Negotiator, sure thing

Anyway. If Max somehow flips nightwatch.

That Marshal badge wont be there.