SFOL 25 Return of the Blue Dragon II Unseen and Mercenary Win!

quoting quotes

Htm is king and killed someone.


Kitten donā€™t be an idiot Hippo is King

@Kirefitten hippo is king, retard



Wait Wut?

i wish i could block vulgard

uninstalling lol

Wait then why are we hanging this?

People want your results and you give them this

Because thatā€™s an impossible result and he never gave us anything else

If he faked that first result for whatever reason he shouldā€™ve said so but he never did lol

So even if htm was king heā€™s still scum.


What is an impossible result?

Block me if you want Max but that was the single most retarded play Iā€™ve ever seen in FoL

And you absolutely deserve to be hanged for that

/finish him

His results were not impossible. What is impossible is the claim that htm killed Squid. There are no killers left. Vulgard had to be the one who killed her.

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Correct, Maximus wouldnā€™t able to visit Squid at all - prevented visit and all that.

/exe If I havenā€™t already.

[quote=ā€œSam17z, post:4030, topic:65153, full:trueā€]
Execute - 4 - Vulgard Twilight, Fire, Frosty
Pardon - 0
Abstain - 0

It must be either Pug, Frost, Meme, or Max.

Htm visited Squid last night, so it canā€™t be htm. It canā€™t be me because I occupied Twilight. It canā€™t be Vulgard because of the execute. It also canā€™t be Twilight because Twilight was not occupy immune. Hippo is King. It canā€™t be Firekitten because Twilight and Vulgard were linked.