SFOL 25 Return of the Blue Dragon II Unseen and Mercenary Win!

But what if I wanted to create a paradox and link the happy houring alcoholics

They would both get occed then

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But then they couldnā€™t preform their action!

Leading to no one being occupied but then they performed their actionā€¦

Nice gg

Tbh we shouldā€™ve suspected hippo when sam made pool about is bd king here gk or ek

true. but thatā€™s angleshooting and I wouldā€™ve been modkilled for that

I had a great time with you all. Looking forward to the next one and also seeing the changes. Some feedback: I think BD in this mode is a great happy medium between Cult and Unseen, and the proposed Negotiator day ability is a welcome addition.

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I suspected Hippo from the way Hippo handled Celeste tbh.

Wait we won and I missed it?

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I was clearly evil lel

if I was town I woulda made damn sure marl was hung D2. I was laughing my ass off when u guys innod him


That was really dumb - Iā€™m just glad @Vulgard was not an idiot and executed him though

Ill bump my game back 2 slots.

Still not ready as im lazy

What game?

Xed 3.0

your totally not ready sorry to say

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The game is already over? Lel i like when some people said that ā€œPardoning NK is dumb yada yada yadaā€ and didnā€™t even notice that Unseen could get rid off 2 Killers in 1 day.
Iā€™m gonna make a summary soonā€¦

Just saw the sheet.

Seems a little too familiar with the failed converts lulll

Btw I was scorned

So I lostā€¦