SFOL 25 Return of the Blue Dragon II Unseen and Mercenary Win!

*bringing electric guitar

Did someone said “Bass”?

Acoustic only sorry

“can I ask you a question?”

“you just did”


@Vulgard get back here

KEK :ok_hand:

So let me go over this

NK (most likely Demon) used Haemophilia D1 then night killed Mole
Since Whammer most likely visited Mole + was targeted by the Insurgent that explains his death - two attacks
Sam was most likely getting confirmation that the Demon’s deathnote should show on both in this scenario
And Maximus saw Marl visit Mole
If we’re going with my first point (which is probably the only possible explanation) then Marl by all means should’ve died from visiting Mole
Since he didn’t that doesn’t leave him as Unseen and most likely he’s Demon

Now if Demon targeted Whammer and Mole got killed by proxy that throws all of this out the window unless somebody has proof that wasn’t the case.

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Wait demon didn’t visit whammerist

tl;dr if mole was demon’s target Marl can’t be unseen

@Moleland It was fuckin worth it

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The Observer would have died visiting the priest as well

Well there is no need to think about it. Since Marl is getting axed anyway.

or it could be electrocutioner that targeted mole or whamm, and mole debauched whamm or whamm targeted mole

He never did he visited marl who visited mole.

I feel like demon on Wham is more likely. Because if Mole HHed wham it would explain how he died. Wham visiting Mole would leave no explanation.

so it is decently likely that marl is the electrocutioner

It couldn’t of been on whammerist

/vote Nuclear
I’m a Marshal and I got a cult check on Nuke

Why not?

Well okay I may be right or wrong but I got to ask something first

It’s seems someone is high today. LEL