SFOL 25 Return of the Blue Dragon II Unseen and Mercenary Win!

Ohhh are you claiming Aristocrat or Illusionist? :eyes:


Negotiator just wanna talk to us but we all try to kill him smh

Yes. I’m not pushing a vote on FK.

You are pushing a debuach/Occupy which is really mean :cry:

Or very smart, it’s in between

No it’s actually mean

I kidnapped squid,i successfully negated his ability so he appeared as unseen when he killed alcoholic as i could see his visits while guarding buritto


Either way, it wouldn’t be possible for Whammerist to die unless he got attacked by Insurgent while automatically visiting Moleland since he’s trying to get soul.

What the actual fuck? This sentence doesn’t make any sense.

Why are people accusing me again?

My brain hurts from reading that sentence

For Insurgent? But I got BD check on Celeste.


Someone translate what Memesky said

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Im kidrisroshalwatcary (kidnapper aristocrat marshall nightwatch merc)

So you’re accusing me through complete bullshit?


I think squid is yellow dragon let’s exe him

Im confirmed kidrisroshalwatcary