SFOL 25 Return of the Blue Dragon II Unseen and Mercenary Win!

I think I won’t be as busy anymore so /unbackup and /join

If no one comes in after a while, I’ll join in.


extra dps?

join us checkers, we shall rule the castle once again and drive the unseen and nk out for good!

Only those who have added me on Battlenet can call me Checkers. That’s a strict rule of mine. Don’t do that again.

I’m weird for getting pissed over names >.<

sorry durian

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Plz… we only need two more :3

What did you edit?

The special allows the soldier to attack anyone for their payback ability instead of someone who voted a Blue Dragon member that day.

so it’s not 3 night abilities? i see

Me? I did nothing. I think.

Looks at title. Number. Mmm…

You aren’t going to make sage any more
Fun are you :frowning:

Also I feel like this is a nightmare for NK


Thx for banning rev

Also give me Soulcatcher pls

gives sage/nk

Anything but neutral pls

I mean there are 4 potential neuts with a minimum of 2 so you have a 1/4 max to a 1/8 chance of getting a neut.

That is going to happen. I know

I am disgusted about how you removed my poor sages tornado


It’s a joke