SFOL 25 Return of the Blue Dragon II Unseen and Mercenary Win!

Your is multiple now :thinking:

Yeah but frostedflakes

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I call bs

She is trying to get the king to pardon in fear
She wouldn’t do that!

Bad defence

Nah Wolfy made the class cards I just interpret it in my way. Like how the people make religious scriptures. Let’s use Islam or Catholosism. In Islam Mohammad and his initial followers made the Quran but the ulama of the Umayyad Caliphate and the Abbasid interpreted the Quran when he passed away. In catholosism, Jesus an his followers made the Bible and now the pope interprets the Bible so yeah.

There is more but not getting into the different types of Islam and Christianity

The is a chance I am wrong so correct me if I am wrong

Is that your defence?



Accuser means first accuser lol. Ask Wolfy.

Fuck this shit @Margaret do me u hoe

/decide fate exe

a person who claims that someone has committed an offense or done something wrong.
“I dislike any law that puts the burden of proof on the accused rather than the accuser”

Frost claimed she’s. Bd

It could be the first, second, third, etc.

Btw I need a defence first. So @Margaret is that your defence?

I decided fate what

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She dead now

Nah defence first then you do you

Why have all the standard FoL rules gone out the window


You are re saying decide fate overrules defence?

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I love poacher

Not helpful at all

The king decided she’s evil!

If so then I don’t mind flipping Celeste just want to do it by the book