SFOL 25 Return of the Blue Dragon II Unseen and Mercenary Win!

Ooh i dont know about that one

Is self voting illegal?

Self voting is not allowed but idk about forced self voting

Kitten is unpredictable with his strats

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If I am not contracted I am tunelling you with all my Kingly powers tomorrow

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What if ur bd king tho me no likey

Heā€™ll contract me

I donā€™t think you can contract the king

Iā€™m not I promise.

We donā€™t need to lynch Memeā€™s contract right now, I think heā€™s fine, we just need to get the catā€™s ass!

It canā€™t be done sad face

You can in FoL for the umpteenth time

Itā€™s better to contract a confirmable unseen imo


First time I have heard.

I could do nightwatch or marshal

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You could have been converted, or be converted. I am convert immune.


Or me!