SFOL 25 Return of the Blue Dragon II Unseen and Mercenary Win!

Even tho he’s probably negotiator

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Get a better contract Memesky

Actually don’t vote nuke

I wouldn’t want my merc to vote me either

it is not literally not gamethrowing in FoL

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The merc cannot vote target with this wincon

yeah its a dick move

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That is different from every single FoL game ever Sam.

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How is a converted merc suppose to up his target for a “better” one

You are not supposed to up your target for a better one. Whatever I allowed it

Tbh if you vote up your target it does not mean he dies. Even if you vote execute

Meme don’t tho it’s rude :slight_smile:

/vote burrito im contracted to burrot not this.

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I’m still upping Burrito because he’s scum

Scummy move -.-

Also no duchesses in game so we can lie about classtypes

Majority has been reached and Nuclear Burrito is on trial please post a defence


“Make sure burrot lives,not burrito kek”

Yeah, cause Kitten is certainly lying about his


I’m lying about my class type?