SFOL 25 Return of the Blue Dragon II Unseen and Mercenary Win!

But yes. I shall heal king tonight

I think its max tho

Also frost is being jailed tonight to confirm his marshal

@MaximusPrime @Frostwolf103

Can ya post your results after you got here? That would be helpful.

There is NO Negotiatorsā€¦

Max results were Htm visit squid. Nobody visit htm

Which was publically said lol

And now max thinks htm killed squid and is scum.

So yeah

Negotiatorā€™s convert is on cooldown do yeah

He didnā€™t use ā€œPeekā€? Tsk okay at least i hope Frost got somethinā€™.

Quote it.

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Also please response in Squidā€™s PM.

Scum trying to get us off him

no you donā€™t. you donā€™t think at all. if you thought at all, you would realize that itā€™s not me since itā€™s too easy for me to be outed if i donā€™t give correct results.

already did. no one told me to do anything last night so i followed htm

no one was voting me before you idiot, how do i get non existent people off me

Now youā€™re calling me non existant


i said that before you voted me.

i actually want you blacklisted now tbh.

You know you genuinely can fake obslogs.

Also someone told htm to bounty squid

Am i gamethrowing?

oh wait you did vote me nvm

well whatever, ur actually retarded for voting the nightwatch so w/e