SFOL 25 Return of the Blue Dragon II Unseen and Mercenary Win!

48 hours to allow for me to process and scum to talk + people to get actions in. 24 is a bit short though.

Activity is necessary so before joining please think about the amount of time you will need for this. I do not want to prod people and make the backups come in during the whole game.

Why is sage so up?

What did you do to my sage

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There is no rolelistā€¦

I mean is this the same as usual?

U think im inactive :o rude

only as evil


OK give me a second, I made a rolelist i guess i will publish it for general knowledge?

Alchocolic no i am the liquor passive btw @Sam17z


Why does sage have two uses?

More useless cw

(If thereā€™s evidence itā€™s not a conspiracy theory)

I think it might be on purposeā€¦



Proncess dark wisp is not bolded and itā€™s seen you tried to ā€œdark wisp**ā€

Sage Iā€™m sorry for what sam did to you D:

Note: The Blue Dragon are the scum faction and the Unseen are the good faction


Is this game officially canned btw?

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But look at how up sage is for a second

I donā€™t want rev here btw

Revenant and Spiratualist are banned from this game btw