SFOL 25 Return of the Blue Dragon II Unseen and Mercenary Win!

Defile would only work if you going to die.

They still visit

Thatā€™s indeed pretty harmless.

Itā€™s the follow that counts

Like Town of Salem Forger.

Regardless we kinda donā€™t have a choice. That would be easier if Light actually tried to occupy one of them. Eh, at least we will know who is gonna be hanged next if Max flip Nightwatch.

Not me since my badge will show up whether Max flips Nightwatch or Negotiator.

Then itā€™s gonna be Pug. Can we just execute and proceed?

Yes plzā€¦

You know, itā€™s funny he did the celeste thing about ā€œFrost is not going to show his badgeā€

Would it be better to execute Pug first? Max is confirmable if we make Max give results first.

Vulgard have to choose between me or Pug.

Dude, weā€™re playing with rolling dice. The odds that Max is scum are same with either Pug and Frost.

Fair. Did Vulgard get Memeā€™s contract yet?

If I am not jailed, at least I can try do stuff.

Itā€™s possible that Meme could be converted N3

Vulgard already said he got a contract.

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So if Vulgard did say he got it, then weā€™ve nothing to worry.

Be thankful I verify him.

Ok i just made a double check. Max posted results after HTM confessed he wasted ā€œBountyā€ on Squid.