SFOL 25 Return of the Blue Dragon II Unseen and Mercenary Win!

Two scorned on you? Good talk.

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Max didnā€™t see you visit me twi
if you want to push me, at least claim

Because iā€™m not a nightwatch dummy.

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3 scorned. He wants to get himself lynched too.

The fuck
Why do you think Iā€™m the nk then

Inb4 salty at me mislynching you

Letā€™s seeā€¦You visited Mole while he died at same time plus Whamm must have visited him because there is same deathnote. EZ NK. Kidnapper bust Marlā€™s Ass tonight. Thanks. :thinking:


Tinfoil: NK is electrocutioner and mole debauched whamm, killing them both. Insurgent possibly could have attacked whamm as well.

So how are you still alive? LEL

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Because the demon attacked Wham, not Mole

Wow so youā€™re saying Max who is the Nightwatch is lying? Well nice try. :wink:

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No, I DID visit Mole

Wait I see what youā€™re trying to pull here

Youā€™re implying thatā€¦ Im the nightstand!

Yesā€¦iā€™m trying to purge this land from Demons.

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Well heā€™s going to prove with me anyway. So I wouldnā€™t worry about it.

If I mysteriously die however then feel free to death tunnel him.

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And iā€™m daystand. Pleasure to meet you.

Youā€™re gonna be occupied so hard youā€™ll become a overpopulated low income apartment

There is no reason to believe him, he confessed plus he was caught, there is no need to keep him alive.

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I didnā€™t confess, that was a setup for my meme
Also peck you, you peck neck.

Still a step up from a medieval castle.