SFOL 25 Return of the Blue Dragon II Unseen and Mercenary Win!

decently low


Whamm mustā€™ve been attacked by Insurgent

There is no other option

And Whamm visit Moleland to make to lose that immunity right? Two attacks on him.

Wait when did I become insurgent.

First I was accused of being a negotiator
Then that


Is the demon attacks after using day abillity bypassing night immunity?

No itā€™s not and I know this because I was Demon in a canned game and when I bypassed it it was a mod error

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Which proves again that Insurgent attacked Whamm and Iā€™m not willing to believe an alch yolobombed him + insurgent hit an immune

So yeah

When did I get promoted to insurgent?

Could have been a yolobomb knocking the immunity off of Wham, but probably not.

2 people are BD

12 people are Unseen I think

2 neutrals, that would give us 14. So a 1/14 chance that kidnapper was converted, even if we subtracted 2 because of the people who are ded it would give 1/12 so still pretty low


I thought it was about Negotiator getting promoted all the time, Insurgent wonā€™t ever come back if he dies.

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What determines the order that deathnotes appear in? Do we know that?

Iā€™m just making fun of how I got accused of being a negotiator by the demon and now Iā€™m a insurgent

They both would be on the target I think?

Unlike Unseen BD as bad guys have actually some killers. Prince monkaS

Yeah I can see that, Firekitten. Did you actually visit Whamm?

Oh yeah rite

Donā€™t worry princes are somehow going to exe a Bd

I mean when have have they ever exed a unseen?

Thatā€™s what I am trying to figure out