SFOL 25 Return of the Blue Dragon II Unseen and Mercenary Win!

What did Firekitten do on Marl and Whammerist?


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smh all of you unevolved brains here
whereā€™s your spirit of adventure


i didnā€™t vote execute yetā€¦so donā€™t hammer this without a warming.

I already converted you so youā€™re town again.

@Hippolytus If you decide fate pardon me, Iā€™ll kill whoever you want me to kill, no questions asked :^)


Hey guys im back

hello Celeste.

Claiming Kidnapper?

also Frost says he got a BD check on you.

Claim right now lol

Lol im not falling for that Day 2 my dood Im reading

He actually said so tho.

also Marl is confirmed NK.

Obviously kidnapper doh


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Anyway if the check is true. We just think youā€™re a scorned target or a fool so yeah

We found our insurgent

Nice, yeah?

Oh im triggered now, she let me call her a he for a while

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Ok so a Priest died already, anyone wanna explain to me how that happened already? One of our strongest classes dead?

Demon -Marl

Im pretty sure Marl is everyoneā€™s target because hes so popular