SFOL 25 Return of the Blue Dragon II Unseen and Mercenary Win!

No that’s our slave

He got freaking BD check, if both Memesky and Nuclear flip BD then Celeste is Fool.

Or you. :wink:

Nah marl sounds better

Not our slave pls

He’s adopted doggo.

Dont hurt the NK

Marl’s best friend of Unseen.

And then we go Old Yeller.

Deus Vult



Im poor unseen merc help

Pardon marl first

Wait if I pardon then I can use telepathy

Great idea guys!


Press [x] to doubt.



66666 IQ right here.

/pardon eggsecute nuke

Nuke is BD

Okay I have question. how?

Merc always contract to evil :joy::joy::joy:

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