SFoL 27: The Golden Dragon - Golden Dragon, Lawyer, Accused and Neutral Queen won!

Keep in mind that there is a neutral special class too, so giving away that someone is Special would not immediately mean that the person is the Mastermind. I think it’s safe to assume that Nuke wasn’t the night 1 convert.

Im librarian. I got no hearsay from htm
I used extensive records. Htm is social class type and has no records

Interesting. I’m seeing town motivation from Marcus.

What was NB n1?

@Kirefitten reeeeee

Any captain claims

I did not claim captain, no.

@Kirefitten Don’t out my claim -
I’ll out it myself if it’s life-or-death

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Celeste isn’t the captain, I know that for a fact.

Did anyone check Squid last night to see whether her medic claim checks out?

Also, give me some time to ISO and see who HTM was supposed to hearsay. FK got my class last night and I’ve softed it already.

Look I am sort of an idiot who forgot to hearsay last night.

I mean I would execute me too if I was not me but I am a spy. Also the elderly unicorn made me unable to vote.

Just give me 1 more night and I will prove myself tonight. (also even if I was MM executing me would be useless as the next unseen in line will become the MM)

Then message me you idiot

That’s so suspicious

But how would that solve our problem of me not being MM?

Eh. I like being occupied as Null read…
@light_ethos I warm you if you do something stupid once don’t mind me if I’m gonna try to execute you m’kay?

Do you mean hearsay or secret message?

Also sup HTM. You fool.

Just following orders, mate

What are you talking about? There is no fool this game :thinking:

“Your” orders boi.

Did psycho said there cant be fool in this game?

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@Pug don’t forget to add FK to your little Golden Dragon Royale nightclub.

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