SFoL 27: The Golden Dragon - Golden Dragon, Lawyer, Accused and Neutral Queen won!

well, this is potentially bad for us, as someone is going to be converted tonight

Exactly. Which is why we aren’t hanging them.
We stall out their kills and we stall out the converts.

Then have marl bleed lightsin, we execute NB tmrw and its gg


Therefore he can’t be captain

Yes i know he isnt

Then why are we executing him?

What did he claim to you?

Then why are we executing him?

Captain turns into a commander and he isn’t captain.

I don’t know if I should tell you. I’ll wait for nukes thoughts.

This is important. we need to get this last scum confirmed.

Okay he’s the executioner.

Plus captain is occupy immune so…

Marcus is the commander then.

But he’s not captain either

Is he occupy immune?

Dude, someone is commander, they redirected Max. One of them is Commander

BTW check Twi`s logs

And marl cannot be converted, because of the surveillance N1 by Max, so they are lying to you

Wait who’s lying to me?

Marcus or NB

One of them is for sure scum

And since there was a convert n1, and squid was occupied due to visting marl, That leaves us with 2 people who havent claimed and a confirmed Assassin