SFoL 27: The Golden Dragon - Golden Dragon, Lawyer, Accused and Neutral Queen won!

I wonder who that could be :thinking:

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Im not gonna lie, RG is a good claim for assassin, until day 3

More like until bailiff interrogates you

Honestly I think we ahould all claim to this guy. He seems trustworthy and is prob golden dragon.




I agree

ClAiMs tO mE

I’m CoNfIrMeD


Guys! Soneone injected me with royal blood!

I cc your royal blood claim

I got injected with royal blood,

Your scorned

Alright boys, I healed Celeste and she didn’t need it, Librarian, do your thing

Off to find a death note with the sky in it


Vote Count

Accused Accusers Votes
Lightsin Marluxion, pug, blizer, maximus 4/7
NuclearBurrito Celeste 1/7

Wait I’m still being voted up?

Firekitten, I thought you said I’d rot.

Cmon, only 3 moar

Unvote everyone.

Anyone voting him is highly sus besides confirmed people. He’s going to rot + we could prevent them from killing anyone while he rots.

@Marluxion @Blizer @Pug @MaximusPrime

You better vote me or u get the sky deathnote

just hang him tbh

But. I can confirm someone right now if we don’t + Prevent killsz

Im not going to, because i dont know out NB or Marcus who will turn assassin

these obnoxious plans instead of just hanging scum are what end up losing town the game

We can confirm nuke right now if you don’t.