SFoL 27: The Golden Dragon - Golden Dragon, Lawyer, Accused and Neutral Queen won!

Im giving tomorrow.

Important GD > lottery

inb4 meme is executioner

I’ll decide fate exe her or a guard will kill her N1 by bribing psycho

/vote Pug
refuses to change his profile picture, has to die

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My win con is to kill everyone without an Ace Attorney pfp

Im on fuckin phone chill

Im changing at home


Ok… what the heck just happened here? :eyes:

The plague happened

change you pfp or die

Gregory PepeHands



Is Godot taken (other than Lymph)

The man’s visor is sicc




Just remand it into Ace Attorney Roleplay and we’re good. Lel

let’s go (dot)

Now will all you nice citizens not kill my ass thx?

pretty sure there’s no d1 lynch anyway

so sadly we’ll have to wait until tommorow :pensive:

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Gimme royal blood u queen

Okay just straight up. Neuts in and Town is good to go. KEK