SFoL 27: The Golden Dragon - Golden Dragon, Lawyer, Accused and Neutral Queen won!

Liar. Third check? Lol r u trying to get lynched

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No. Iā€™m not lying you are.

Shut up and vote

If we have beast man, then there should have been another death, no?

So we can just ignore Firekitten right?

So Vul won?

Yep. As per usual



Thereā€™s not even a fool class here :frowning:

Read Bounty Hunter class card. They suicide if they fail to kill with their ONE SHOT KILL

He lost

He didnā€™t.

Are you denying that itā€™s true? Cause it is.

What is true?

That ur trolling and that ur bad

Nah. Iā€™m not trolling.

Regardless if thatā€™s the case, Meme is still isnā€™t confirmed as GD. I insist to claim.


Oh well rip then

So basically the info Blizer was giving out was false (not always a sign of scum tho, could just have been a mistake, considering hes new prolly a mistake)

I disagree. We have no reason to needlessly give info and I am telling you that heā€™s fine barring converts or other things that a claim wouldnā€™t help with

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I cant be a death immune class btw

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But you still can be CL or cultist if cult game

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So what we learned today Is. we donā€™t want to push on meme.

I donā€™t want to push on bliz

Letā€™s agree to push on squid.