SFoL 27: The Golden Dragon - Golden Dragon, Lawyer, Accused and Neutral Queen won!

Oh buddy.

It’s one of those games.

Memesky could be the Cult Leader. Could also be a GD killer.

Cant be killer


Sigh. Magical unicorn shall find another person to vote


@Htm @Memesky

FYI. We are neuts in. But you must try to convince us why you are GD.

Go go go.

Likely classes: Royal Guard (GD Killer) or Cult Leader (Special), Shaman (Special).
Possible classes: Invoker, Innkeeper, Captain.

The last three are unlikely because Memesky didn’t fully support NuclearBurrito’s assertion that he could confirm himself the next night. Royal Guard and Cult Leader are the unconfirmable ones unless I missed one.

Royal guard has a day vig.
He’s pretty confirmable now that I think about it tbh.

If I were scum, I would have rather let that visit go unaccounted for instead of clearing everything up. Giving out that information is much more beneficial to the uninformed majority.

Alright, then that means we need to find out how squid and PKR were occupied/prevented, as they stated they both were last night

My guess is that one of those was the Prosecutor

Someone recap me

Ill iso everyone when i have free time. And on my pc


Meme visited Nuke

Nuke got occupied/redirected but not from Meme

And FK’s a magical unicorn who wants to vote Boss

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And by magical unicorn I mean Spy

Also Bounty Hunter died and Meme got attacked and healed

Basically a bunch of things happened

Btw. Im going to save blood for definite BD.

Who was bh

Phone’s reading is ass

Well FK did confirm himself to me

So you can give it to him but Celeste really wants it cuz shes useless without it

Ah vulgard