SFoL 27: The Golden Dragon - Golden Dragon, Lawyer, Accused and Neutral Queen won!

Look at how shitkitten made me out myself

Not really. You were insulting me plus then asking for royal blood without a claim.

Not my fault. Can you also stop being toxic k thanks?

How did you not realize I was the Bailiff???

Yes it is your fault cause you just wanted royal blood for fun. You likely would have done nothing useful with it besides becoming Queen if Pug died.

(Tbf you really didnā€™t have to claim)

But how do I know that he has 0 town motivation this game it just makes me believe he is scum

He outted himself, if he was scum, why would he do that?

Donā€™t hang him on those odds please. Kind of reminds me when I was almost hung for being 50/50 evil.

Too late.

So youā€™re hardclaiming it then? I thought you were saying it to get FK off your case.

Are we dealing with a cult game or unseen game?

I expect town protectives on me tonight. Mage go on Firekitten or some shit

Unseen game. Everyone occ same people pls.

Because he probs doesnā€™t want to fake claim. Also still not denying the fact of scum- scum are faking lawyer accused sine they share a night chat and stuff. With these facts in mind and the chance of 66% being not bd I sayā€¦

/vote light ethos

Odds are he isnā€™t gd and doesnā€™t want to fake claim

Lul and you turned out good.

Tbf 33% chance isnā€™t even close to 50% or more so I wouldnā€™t think hanging him just on those odds is smart

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At the current moment, hes a GD butler that cant die and cant be occupied


Ok your the prosecutor then

Oh wait the assassin part I get it now.

Nope I just think the odds are horrible. Just like fireā€™s odds were horrible it just they were bd king

Look, it was 2 am and I forgot some stuff ok. Memesky is unlikely to be assassin but could be scum neutral so we should leave him be for now.

Too bad. We arenā€™t lynching off the odds.