SFoL 27: The Golden Dragon - Golden Dragon, Lawyer, Accused and Neutral Queen won!

Yeah, this is basically 3 non nk neuts and a nk

Vote Count

Accused Accusers Votes
Memesky MaximusPrime 1/9
boss110 NuclearBurrito 2/9
Lightsin Twil1ight, Memesky, Celeste, Light_ethos, Firekitten, Blizer, Sam17z 7/9
  • queen
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/vote Boss

Listen to the Sheepicorn!

Actually, /vote Lightsin still didn’t give good defence or anything helpful at all

Mb, Queen


And bh

/unvote sam
/Vote Lightsin

Remember to mark light ETHOS and execute him tommorow night please. Thanks executioner

No. @exe don’t

Executioner, dont listen to this scum

Nope. Innocent till proven guilty.

1 Like

Exactly! Let’s work together lawyer!

Sam, if you really want the probabilities, executing the accused has an EV of 0. The same as not lynching anyone.

Hell yeah, Lawyer and Litten, saving GD from the evil scum within the court

Unless you kill a scum


@Sam17z vote Lightsin we need pressure

@Lightsin contribute plz?

/vote lightsin

@Lightsin We need for you to contribute, or u take the axe