SFoL 27: The Golden Dragon - Golden Dragon, Lawyer, Accused and Neutral Queen won!


Uh. We should get a defense before 12 hours tho :frowning:

They voted them twice so no trial yet, my bad

Thought so

let me recheck the vote count anyways just in case

This is the actual votecount (counting FK recent unvote). Tell me if Im missing any votes.

Vote Count

Accused Accusers Votes
Memesky MaximusPrime 1/9
boss110 NuclearBurrito 1/9
Lightsin Twil1ight, Memesky, Celeste, Blizer, Sam17z, Marl 6/9

Me and light

Unvote quickly

But FK unvoted when Lightsin was hammered so that shouldn’t count as that was too late

I see the problem now, I wrote lightsin in the accusers list instead of the true accuser (this is the third time I do that lol sorry). So yes, they are now on trial.


Why you do dis?

@Lightsin is now on trial. During this time, everyone will be able to discuss and vote to /pardon or /execute them. Trial will end once majority is reached or after 12 hours.

I want to play the game fairly.

I miss when FK handled all the vote counts on my games, VCs are harder than they look lol.



@Lightsin plz post a defence so we can decide ur fate

(kinda didn’t want to get you hammered until you posted a scummy defence but people hammered sooo)




Co host = vote count machine.

False quotes!!!

Why did we even vote light sin again