SFoL 27: The Golden Dragon - Golden Dragon, Lawyer, Accused and Neutral Queen won!

Hey PKR, don’t make me follow that flowchart

Bad Marl no triggering Puggo

Don’t even think of it.
That crap upsets me
Its just stupid

Same to u Puggo, no triggering marl

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Based on my gut reads, the scum I see RN are:

Maybe Twil1ight or someone else

I should probably narrow down this list but I too early to really tell

Didnt I stop a while back tho

I already claimed what i was earlier

I agree on 1 and 3, but why Blizer?

What even r u

Nvm idc

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I’m an important class I guess

Don’t question the queen

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Is the MM considered important


Yes n1 convert

Oh yeah thanks for bringing squid up as scum btw, she claimed she was occupied/prevented during the night and i find that scummy as fuck


The Mastermind is an essential member in every healthy town block


@PoisonedSquid Who did ya visit again

Inb4 this is marl/cele scumteam