SFoL 27: The Golden Dragon - Golden Dragon, Lawyer, Accused and Neutral Queen won!

ah. So lock town rather than mechanically confirmed.

The simple fact that Firekitten has outed himself makes it likely he hasnā€™t been converted, although HTM softing FK mightā€™ve forced him to claim

Regardless, I believe FK is 90% lock BD at this point

yeah pretty much

Full on agree about this

Htm forced me to claim. Because he basically just said. Someone told me to vote squid. And I was the only one voting squid.


Iā€™m a little slow. It didnā€™t ping me that you were spy until you said ā€œmy class was made for mass claimsā€ tbqh

Now stahp talking so I can ISO

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Also btw a new claim list

Confirmed Claims:
Pug - Queen
FK - Unicorn (unicorn sounds better than spy)
Nuke - says he will confirm himself (FK also knows his class)

Unconfirmed Claims:

Lightsin - Royal Guard
Max - Bailiff (Prob GD tho cuz wut scum would claim Bailiff?)
Ethos - Accused

Extra Notes:

Sam is sus rn
Meme can only be GD/neut as of now (Prolly GD)
Unseen game


I also request for royal blood tomorrow.

Anyone else want to claim? Has important info?

No, youā€™re already a prime convert target as it is.

If I have royal blood I can tell the sheriff all the claims. Yes.
Iā€™ll also be safe donā€™t worry

But who would convert FK?

We should get the mage on FK


Donā€™t worry I am safe guys! I just need royal blood

Also if unseen already converted then itā€™s too late to convert FK


I promise you my earlier post today wasnā€™t spam and had meaning to some people.

This is true

If there is a mage out there, for the love of all things Bond-y Hocus Pocus the magical unicorn tonight


Yeah! Throw me royal blood as well
So I can give claims to the sheriff.

@psychoneirik VC please

@Kirefitten btw can you hearsay me tonight? I want the Bailiff to know what I am what I am but I donā€™t want the public to know yet so get my claim -> get RB -> tell Bailiff what I am.