SFoL 27: The Golden Dragon - Golden Dragon, Lawyer, Accused and Neutral Queen won!

He always does this btw, it actually indicates hes GD strangely enough…

Oh im not count then

Also Meme is guaranteed either GD/neut and since he was bounty hunter target he can’t be immune class so it basically confirms him as GD

Probably Twil1ight

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Why :thinking: ?

Im p sure no one would believe my senseless “slip” other than scum getting reasons for mislunch

Don’t worry. I’m not the kind of butler to poison king d4 no matter what. In fact, i’m so nervous about getting GK, i hardly even poison king, since 65% BD king.

Moral of the story:
You have to trust me. Like i have to trust you won’t royal finger me and scream execute in chat. It’s a tower we both have to carry. if one person, even one, stops carrying it, it falls over and gets destroyed.

If i was a suicidal Royal Guard, you still have 2 days to live. so that’s a while for a SFoL game. which equals 2 days and 3 nights to kill me.

@Sam17z plz explain

If you want to prove yourself, duel Max tonight, so that he wont die

True I usually do that but pug’s reactions seem pro town. And also pug described a work where unseen want to get him lynched and that is what happened. We can have a butler poison pug no need to kill them rn

will do

And waste a day in the process

Wait i just looked at the ability again, dont. use it on squid, as she is basically scum

Well not basically, but is incredibly scummy at the current moment

That’s not how duel works

was checking the class… yeah, can’t really guard max. but i can see if squid is attacking, so will do.

Yeah i looked at it again, thats a my bad there

You’re supposed to use duel on scummy targets…

Did you read the classcard