SFoL 27: The Golden Dragon - Golden Dragon, Lawyer, Accused and Neutral Queen won!

Why is this important

In order to find out if Squid slipped as MM or not

Did they?

Because if theyā€™re not merged and someone claims prevented itā€™s very different to if you claimed you were occupied/redirected

She said she was prevented but the correct message would have been:

you were occupied/target changed or something like that

Marl claimed prince? :thinking:

ā€¦But that means nothing.

She was preventedā€¦

There canā€™t be prince tho unless bastard game

No, surveille prevents visits, and letā€™s the sheriff know if unseen visited. Because it was only n1, surveille wouldnā€™tve gone off even if MM did visit

But the occupied + prevented message is merged

occupied = occupied/prevented

I can confirm he isnā€™t prince.

That means nothing tho.

Leak all classes force massclaim

How would she know she was prevented tho??

No. Iā€™m not a jerk.

So u mm ok

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:man_facepalming: can we please not have another techwolves situation like in FoL 15?

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:thinking: what happened?

This is what happens when we receive notifications. We are monsters destroying ourselves.

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