SFoL 27: The Golden Dragon - Golden Dragon, Lawyer, Accused and Neutral Queen won!

@Sam17z light is at 8/9 votes to execute. Execute now before you lose your chance.

@light_ethos Hammer this please.

1 Like

Its really ironic how the accused is hammering and killing the prosecutor :thinking:


Okay, Manfred suits Sam more now than Winston

Guys wait i need protection tonite

I NEED PROTECTION TONIGHT. Someone be on me tonight pls. Really need it

I need protection now, /execute

@psychoneirik u cant touch this

visit me tonight, you wonā€™t need a medic


Sam17z was executed by the court. They were:

The Prosecutor
Neutral, Investigative. Always spawns with Lawyer and Accused.
Restless (Passive) - Immune to occupation.
Trial Knowledge (Passive) - You know who the Accused is.
The trial begins (Day) - Put the Accused immediately on trial. Cannot be used before day 3. 1 use.
Eavesdrop (Day) - At the end of the night, you will get a copy of the Lawyer and Accusedā€™s night chat. 1 use.
Gather proof (Night) - Follow the Accused to see who they visit. Unlimited uses.
Forge evidence (Night) - Make a player believe they were occupied. 3 uses.
(Target player will receive a message saying they were prevented from using their action and wonā€™t get any feedback messages from their abilities, but their ability will still go through. If the player is occupy immune they will get a message saying someone tried to occupy them instead).
Goal: Make sure the accused is executed on trial.


Night 2 has started and will end in 24 hours. Please do not post until night ends. Send any actions you wish to perform on your classcards.

PokemonKidRyan was found dead last night. They were:

The Mage
Golden Dragon, Support. Converts into the enchanter or the ritualist.
Hocus Pocus! (Night) - Select a player. They can only be visited by support and killer roles tonight. Unlimited uses. (Cult leader can visit the player if they are trying to use blood of mithras, but not if they are trying to convert).
Portal Trick (Night) - Select a player. Everyone that tries to visit them tonight will be immune to occupation, redirection and visit prevention. They will not be notified. 2 uses.
Goal: defeat the Cult/Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.



We couldnā€™t find a logbook.

Day 3 has now started and will end in 72 hours, after someone is lynched or after two trials.

Cool pkr wouldnā€™t claim and neither did Celeste! Delightful!

so i didnā€™t get hearsay last night

I now have 4 claims tho so :man_shrugging:

Wait. ALERT. ALERT. Something fishy just came up with info I have alert alert.

i hope max didnā€™t waste his check on me too

So @Htm wanna explain the no hearsay